
1. Opening 

Standing Quietly, Raise and Lower Hands 

Quiet Standing Mediation: Zhan Zhuang, WuJi 


2. Part Horse Mane (野馬分鬃Ye Ma Fen Zong) 

Wild Horse Shakes Its Mane 

Left (左 : Zou) Part the Wild Horse's Mane (Zou Yema Fenzong) 

Right (右 : You) Part the Wild Horse's Mane (You Yema Fenzong) 

Parting the Wild Horse's Mane 

3. White Crane Spreads Wings (白鶴亮翅Bai He Liang Chi) 

White Stork Spreading Its Wings

4. Brush Knee Twist Step (摟膝拗步Lou Xi Ao Bu) 

Brush Knee and Twist Step 

5. Play the Lute (手揮琵琶Shou Hui Pi Pa) 

Hand Strums the Lute

6. Repulse Monkey (倒攆猴Dao Nian Hou) 

Step Back and Drive Monkey Away 

7. Left Grasp Bird’s Tail - (左攬雀尾Zuo Lan Que Wei) 

Grasp the Bird's Tail to Left

8. Right Grasp Bird's Tail - (右攬雀尾You Lan Que Wei) 

Grasp the Bird's Tail to Right

9. Single Whip (單鞭Dan Bian) 

Single Whip 

10. Wave Hands Like Clouds (雲手Yun Shou)

Waving Hands Like Clouds

11. Single Whip (單鞭Dan Bian) 

Single Whip 

12. High Pat on Horse (高探馬Gao Tan Ma) 

High Pat on Horse 

13. Right Heel Kick (右蹬脚 You Deng Jiao) 

Right Heel Kick 

14. Punch Ears (雙峰灌耳Shuang Feng Quan Er)

Box Opponent's Ears with Both Fists

15. Left Heel Kick (左蹬脚 Zuo Deng Jiao) 

Left Heel Kick 

16. Lower Movement Stand on Left Leg (下势 Xia Shi, 左金鸡独立 Zuo Jin Ji Du Li) 

Squat Down and Stand on Left Leg as a Golden Rooster

17. Lower Movement Stand on Right Leg (下势Xia Shi, 右金鸡独立 You Jin Ji Dui Li) 

Squat Down and Stand on Right Leg as a Golden Rooster

18. Work at Shuttles (玉女穿梭 Yu Nu Chaun Suo) 

Fair Lady Works at Shuttles 

19. Needle at Sea Bottom (海底针Hai Di Zhen) 

Pick Up Needle from the Ocean's Floor 

Needle at Sea Bottom 

20. Flash the Arm (扇通背 Shan Tong Bei) 

Unfolding Arms Like a Fan 

Fan Through the Back

21. Turn Back, Parry and Punch (转身搬拦捶Zhuan Shen Ban Lan Chui) 

Turn, Shoulder Strike, Back Fist, Deflect, Parry and Punch

22. Appears Closing (如封似闭Ru Feng Si Bi) 

Apparent Close and Push

Withdraw and Push (Closing a Door)

23. Cross Hands (十字手 Shi Zi Shou) 

Turn and Cross Hands in Front of Chest 

Cross Hands

24. Closing (收式 Shou Shi) Closing Posture